The Second Beast

TimeWatch Editorial
April 19, 2016

Revelation 13 and verses 16 and 17 is quite specific about one of the punishments that will be meted out as a consequence of refusing to worship the beast and his image.

Revelation 13:16 - And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Revelation 13:17 - And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The punishment is the restriction on all financial transactions. But who is the “he” that has the power to enforce this global demand? Verse 11 describes a beast that comes up out of the earth.

“That is, another in addition to the one already mentioned (v. 1). The Greek implies that it is of the same kind as the first beast. This is confirmed as its characteristics are unfolded. It works in close collaboration with the first beast.” The first beast arose out of the sea (see on v. 1). The four beasts of Dan. 7 also arose from the sea (v. 3). Since “sea” represents peoples and nations (see on Rev. 13:1; 17:1, 2, 8), “earth” may reasonably be assumed to represent a sparsely settled region. The nation thus represented would therefore not arise by war, conquest, and occupation, but would develop into greatness in a region of few inhabitants.

Adventist commentators have seen in this second beast a symbol of the United States of America. This power accurately fulfills the specifications of the prophecy. When the first beast was going into captivity in 1798 (see on ch. 13:10) the United States was growing into prominence and power. The nation arose, not in the Old World, with its teeming multitudes, but in the New World, with its relatively few inhabitants (see GC 439–441). The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary (Vol. 7, pp. 819–820)

The growth of the United States is sometimes seen only in political or military terms. As true as that might be, its first area of influence was in the realm of economics and it remains so to this day. Ian Bremmer wrote an article in Time Magazine on May 28, 2015 entitled: “These Are The Five Reasons Why The US Remains The World’s Only Super Power.” In it Mr. Bremmer clearly articulates his reasoning.

“A ‘superpower’ is a country that wields enough military, political and economic might to convince nations in all parts of the world to do things they otherwise wouldn’t. Pundits have rushed to label China the next superpower—and so have many ordinary Americans—but the rumors of America’s decline have been greatly exaggerated. In the key categories of power, the U.S. will remain dominant for the foreseeable future. These facts show why America is still the world’s only superpower, and why that won’t change anytime soon.” Ian Bremmer, Time Magazine, These Are The Five Reasons Why The US Remains The World’s Only Super Power.”  

Notice the initial sentence in the above quote. “A ‘superpower’ is a country that wields enough military, political and economic might to convince nations in all parts of the world to do things they otherwise wouldn’t.” sounds a lot like Revelation 13;12 which says: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark. His next point expands the argument he is making.

“China’s economy is growing at an impressive rate. But it’s not just the size of an economy that matters—it’s also the quality. According to the World Bank, GDP per capita in the US was $53,042 in 2013; in China it was just $6,807. In other words, little of China’s dramatic economic growth is finding its way into the pockets of Chinese consumers—the byproduct of an economy driven by massive state-owned enterprises rather than private industry. China’s headline growth may be higher, but it’s the U.S. economy that’s allowing its citizens to grow along with it.” Ian Bremmer, Time Magazine, These Are The Five Reasons Why The US Remains The World’s Only Super Power.”  

The rest of his argument simply supports his analysis. The fulfillment of the prophecy is revealed in the evidence at hand. In spite of the challenges that exist, the competition that roars, the globalization of trade and the manipulation of international corporate entities, the dominance of the second beast of Revelation 13 remains. It is therefore a warning to us, concerning the accuracy of the prophetic timetable.

Cameron A. Bowen

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