A Trusted Friend

TimeWatch Editorial
April 14, 2016

The need of assurance is by far the greatest need today. To be able to trust, to be able to know that you can speak to someone in confidence, knowing full well that every word will be safely guarded, every thought protected brings the sweetest rest and contentment. You may have found a friend who has filled the bill in this regard, but I can assure you that whoever that might be will certainly lack the ability to fulfill your every need. There is however one friend, who has promised to listen to every plea, every troubled word. Matthew chapter 21 and verse 22 says: “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” In the book Desire of Ages, on page 667 is found the following amazing statement.

Every sincere prayer is heard in heaven. It may not be fluently expressed; but if the heart is in it, it will ascend to the sanctuary where Jesus ministers and He will present it to the Father without one awkward, stammering word, beautiful and fragrant with the incense of His own perfection. {DA 667.3}

So often we listen to the prayers of those around us and think “if only I could pray like that!” we frequently, when it is time for prayer, seek those who have a beautiful, flowing style, filled with poetic sounding tones, to pray for us. We are moved by their description of our circumstances and secretly long to speak as they do. But as humanly admirable as that might be, let us remember this paragraph found in The Oriental Watchman, December 1, 1909.

The prayer of the sincere heart offered in faith will be heard in heaven. It may not be grammatical; but if the heart is in it, it will ascend to the sanctuary where Jesus ministers, and he will present it to the Father without one awkward, stammering word, graceful and perfect through his merit; for his righteousness refines and ennobles it, and makes it acceptable before the Father. {The Oriental Watchman, December 1, 1909 par. 9}

We must be careful then, lest how we say what we say in prayer, becomes more important that the one to whom we speak. For the act of prayer is much more than a ritual. It is indeed a conversation with the one who alone can heal all wounds. It is an opportunity to address the one who can read the thoughts before the mouth can speak them. He can indeed read the heart before the words are even uttered. Review and Herald February 28, 1893 says:

The Lord accepts the prayer of the sincere heart, and will answer it out of his abundant fullness. Fervent piety, sincerity of heart, contrition of soul, shows gratitude to God. Sincerity is the essential necessity of prayer. This with uncouth language and imperfect utterance is far more acceptable to God if it is the best that the suppliant can offer, than the perfectly worded, elegantly uttered prayer that is offered from a self-sufficient, self-important, Pharisaical heart. {RH, February 28, 1893 par. 8}

The psalmist expresses it this way:

Psalms 88:2 - Let my prayer come before thee: incline thine ear unto my cry;

Psalms 88:3 - For my soul is full of troubles: and my life draweth nigh unto the grave.

Psalms 88:4 - I am counted with them that go down into the pit: I am as a man [that hath] no strength:

It is this same spirit, this same confidence that should accompany you in your work for God as you reach out to others. Listen again to Review and Herald, February 28, 1893.

Though ignorant and humble, if your heart overflows with love to God, and if in this spirit you appeal to one who is out of Christ, the Lord will not despise your effort. Your small offering, presented with cheerful gratitude to God, will be classed with the widow's mite, and be blessed of God. The effort to do your duty to the best of your ability from the motive of love will be noticed of Heaven. God does not make light of the small ability he has intrusted, but expects that it will be put out to usury as well as the larger talents.” {RH, February 28, 1893 par. 9}

Testimonies Volume 6, page 433 expresses a similar theme:

“Let none feel that because they are uneducated they cannot take part in the Lord's work. God has a work for you to do. He has given to every man his work. You can search the Scriptures for yourselves. "The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple." Psalm 119:130. You can pray for the work. The prayer of the sincere heart, offered in faith, will be heard in heaven. And you are to work according to your ability.” {6T 433.3}

As you go forward today, remember this bold plea as found in Psalms 102, verses 1 and 2.

Psalms 102:1 - A Prayer of the afflicted, when he is overwhelmed, and poureth out his complaint before the LORD. Hear my prayer, O LORD, and let my cry come unto thee.

Psalms 102:2 - Hide not thy face from me in the day [when] I am in trouble; incline thine ear unto me: in the day [when] I call answer me speedily.

Cameron A. Bowen

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