The Coming Inquisition

TimeWatch Editorial
March 02, 2016

On the website “One Page News Dotcom” there is an interesting article published on November 3, 2011. The name of the article is “Inquisition 2.0: Spying On Your Neighbor Is Not Trendy, It’s Treason.” The author of the article is unidentified. The source is simply identified as ‘Administration.’ However, the depth of understanding is immediately evident. Listen to the second paragraph:

“There was a time when the Roman Empire under the new rule of the Roman Catholic Church devised a method of quietly waging war on the public and any neighboring nation that did not follow their newly invented religion of Christianity. The goal was to gain rule over all of whom they did not control. It also reflected the new power structure from Roman politicians to religious commanders who exchanged a life of fake belief for a position at the top of the power grid within Rome.” “Inquisition 2.0: Spying On Your Neighbor Is Not Trendy, It’s Treason.”

The above paragraph really does describe the transition that occurred. But the fact that the war was “quietly waged” does not in any way lessen the fact that this was a serious war. The violence was intense and constant, driven by the desire to establish and maintain unquestioned and absolute totalitarianism. Everyone was considered “the enemy.” Surveillance was the key to successful manipulation. No-one was above suspicion. Non-compliance was immediately and harshly punished.

“Individuals were tortured publicly by every means known to man. Subjects were beheaded, burned at the stake, whipped, mutilated, etc. The remaining citizens desperately wanting to avoid such torture began to divert attention from their own lives by accusing their neighbors of crimes against the church. Often these accusations were entirely made up, and baseless, but that didn’t stop the church from dispatching their mercenary army to snatch these poor innocent people to be immediately questioned as if they were guilty of the accusation.” “Inquisition 2.0: Spying On Your Neighbor Is Not Trendy, It’s Treason.”

The objective of the article Inquisition 2.0 was to demonstrate that our nation today is experiencing the “rebirth” of the inquisitional methodology. Beyond that, not only are we experiencing the invasion of electronic and technological inventions aimed entirely at the collection and storage of personal information and profiles, but we are experiencing the resurgence of the interpersonal spying of years gone by. Constant hacking has invaded our simplest communication, corporate entities lustfully lurk, awaiting the most superficial search, so that they might flood the screen with useless products that provide only profit for themselves, and binding obligations for those whom they can seduce.

Behaviors and choices are manipulated and re-programmed to accommodate the theft of the limited resources of those who would be better off putting aside the little they have for a much more needy time. Instead we are conditioned into believing that we can indeed own that which even after spending money we do not have, in fact we never really ever own. The shortened lifespan of literally every product that exists today guarantees the assured replacement of the product as soon as the “new” version appears.

The built in obsolescence or the method of stimulating consumer demand by designing products that become outmoded after limited use, has begun to bleed into our personal relationships. The instant and temporary gratification syndrome has affected our friendships, our marriages and in some cases our general commitment to anything. From childhood, the constant lack of attention to anything has become a way of life. This has provided the space necessary to manipulate and program society in almost every area of life.

The torture and physical punishment may not yet have begun, but when it does, the mental ability to resist the assault upon “liberty of Conscience” will have long been eradicated.

Cameron A. Bowen

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