A Clear Warning

TimeWatch Editorial
February 27, 2016

In the year 1889, Justin Dewey Fulton, D.D. published a book entitled “The Fight with Rome.” The publisher’s note printed in the beginning of the book says that Justin D. Fulton, D. D., was the son of Rev. John J. Fulton, and was born at Earlville, N. Y., March 1, 1828. In 1847, he entered the University of Michigan. He graduated from the University of Rochester in 1851, and entered the Theological seminary. In 1854, he organized a church in Biddle Market hall, St. Louis, with twenty-four members. In 1855, this church had grown so large that it required two pastors. Dr. Fulton delivers a number of warnings concerning the threat of Catholicism but perhaps one caution worthy of note is stated almost at the beginning of the book: Listen to what he says in his introduction:

“The most inexplicable fact connected with our American life is the indescribable fear which permeates the community concerning Romanism. It infects the air. It pervades society. It creeps into churches and shuts the doors against the uncovering of the errors of Romanism and the delivering of prisoners from the chains of tyranny. It holds the ruler and millions in its power, and awes the humblest citizen. It lays its embargo on free thought. It dominates the press. It makes many of our noble ministers dumb in the pulpit. It excludes from the platforms of political parties all utterances that would warn the people of their peril or outline the path of safety, and fills the minds of the million with apprehension and alarm.” Justin Dewey Fulton, D.D, “The Fight with Rome”, page 1.

Please remember that Dr. Fulton is writing about 1888, 1889, and is speaking in the past tense. Here he is discussing the “fear that permeates the community”, the way that the fear “creeps into the churches” preventing the leadership from proclaiming the truth and warning their members of the dangers and heresy of Rome. He speaks of the restrain put upon the liberty of thought by Rome today and her control of the press, and the control of the political system. Dr. Fulton in 1888 and 1889 is not using the future tense, not prophesying, but rather describing events that have already occurred. Dr. Fulton continues:

“The causes of this fear are apparent, and deserve to be enumerated and explained. Men fear Romanism because, it being the incarnation or error, its supporters are without a conscience and without honor. Kindness wins no recognition. Relationship proves no defense against the devilish hate. Romanists are ruled by a power utterly indifferent to public opinion. Rome tramples on decency and virtue. Her priests can drink to drunkenness, in conversation they can be foul-mouthed, in private they can be abusers of themselves, they can outrage virtue and bring scandal on homes, separate husbands from wives, and use language with young and inexperienced girls which should not be tolerated … and yet society tolerates all this, and when the priests are berated and denounced for it they simply laugh at the indignation of the community, and push on as if they were masters of the situation.” Justin Dewey Fulton, D.D, “The Fight with Rome”, page 1.

The vision demonstrated by Dr. Fulton is crystal clear. His warnings are direct. If those who live today would listen, much evil would be avoided. On page 150 he says this:

“When we find Protestant ecclesiastics so smitten with what the reformers used to call "the trinkets of anti-Christ," as to allow themselves to be re-invested with the cast-off clothing of Babylon,- and to be adorned with mitre and cloth-of-gold lavishly decorated with amethysts, pearls, topazes and chrysolites set in silver, so as to dazzle the beholder, we are moved to repeat the warning of Bradford, the Smithfield martyr, who cried: "O Christian, beware of anti- Christ, take heed that he doth not fool thee." ….   Be not affrighted. In a little time He that shall come will come, and will not tarry; the Lord shall consume this power of anti-Christ with the breath of his mouth, and shall destroy it with the brightness of his coming.” Justin Dewey Fulton, D.D, “The Fight with Rome”, page 150.

So let us take the warning.

Cameron A. Bowen

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