The Coming Repudiation – Part 2

TimeWatch Editorial
February 9, 2016

In part one, we established the fact that Democracy and Republicanism, are not only dissimilar but antithetical, reflecting a sharp contrast. A Democracy is based upon the Unlimited Rights of the Majority, lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual. A Republican form of government is one in which, under a written Constitution the will of the Majority is respected while the rights of The Individual and The Minority are protected. The great difference between the United States and every other nation on earth is that Republican form of government, merged with one other marvelous and liberating element, Protestantism.

The arrival of Protestantism brought with it a unique separation of Church and State which allowed for both to co-exist without conflict. The Protestant lifestyle was a copy of the life and actions of Christ while on earth. In a book devoted to His life, “The Desire of Ages” on page 509 the following is recorded:

“The government under which Jesus lived was corrupt and oppressive; on every hand were crying abuses—extortion, intolerance, and grinding cruelty. Yet the Saviour attempted no civil reforms. He attacked no national abuses, nor condemned the national enemies. He did not interfere with the authority or administration of those in power. He who was our example kept aloof from earthly governments. Not because He was indifferent to the woes of men, but because the remedy did not lie in merely human and external measures. To be efficient, the cure must reach men individually, and must regenerate the heart.” {Desire of Ages, page 509, paragraph 3}

This was indeed the basis of Christ’s example. Protestantism then, was a protest against anything that did not fall in line with Jesus’ earthly philosophy. Socialism seeks to regulate governmental policy, while Fascism seeks to control social thinking. Protestantism provides for the liberty of conscience on every level, and seeks to protect the rights of all citizens. This powerful combination of Republicanism and Protestantism, has been the engine that has maintained the greatness of a nation called into existence at the moment in history when the Papacy lost it Global Dominance in what is described as a “deadly womb.” The healing of that womb in concert with the repudiation of the Republican Protestant Constitution of the United States will indeed usher in a time of extreme trouble upon the entire world. The assault upon the Liberty of Conscience, the subtle, gradual seizure of the little that is possessed by the poor, the continued manipulation of fact to support fictional reports, the theft of every known resource to satisfy the incessantly depraved greed of the rich, will ultimately lead to the pouring out of judgment upon the earth. The increase of criminal and natural disasters, the uncontrollable results of animalistic tendencies will cause many to believe that if they would only appease God by pretending to worship upon the day and in the way that they choose, He will hear and heal. But even this Cain like offering will not be acceptable to the God of Heaven and this nation and the world will rush with unstoppable fury to the end of the journey.

The journey is almost over. The actions being taken are swiftly being put into place remember this:

“The Constitution guarantees to the people the right of self-government, providing that representatives elected by the popular vote shall enact and administer the laws. Freedom of religious faith was also granted, every man being permitted to worship God according to the dictates of his conscience. Republicanism and Protestantism became the fundamental principles of the nation. These principles are the secret of its power and prosperity. The oppressed and down-trodden throughout Christendom have turned to this land with interest and hope. Millions have sought its shores, and the United States has risen to a place among the most powerful nations of the earth.” {The Great Controversy, page 441 paragraph 1}

Imagine the impact then that will be experienced worldwide when America rejects its original foundation.

“The lamb-like horns and dragon voice of the symbol point to a striking contradiction between the professions and the practice of the nation thus represented. The “speaking” of the nation is the action of its legislative and judicial authorities. By such action it will give the lie to those liberal and peaceful principles which it has put forth as the foundation of its policy. The prediction that it will speak “as a dragon,” and exercise “all the power of the first beast,” plainly foretells a development of the spirit of intolerance and persecution that was manifested by the nations represented by the dragon and the leopard-like beast. And the statement that the beast with two horns “causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast” indicates that the authority of this nation is to be exercised in enforcing some observance which shall be an act of homage to the papacy.” {The Great Controversy, page 442 paragraph 1}

The process has begun.

Cameron A. Bowen

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