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March 10, 2023

“Because I live, you will live also” (John 14:19)

Jesus came into the very citadel of this illegal power who held this world of might as against right. This One came forward carrying the keys as He holds them still.

Then if this illegal power should even get some of us into the same prison-house, it is all right; he cannot keep us there, for our Friend has the keys. He spoiled principalities and powers. He led a multitude of captives from this dominion of death when He came forth. He made a show in a grand parade of them openly, triumphing in it. The word “triumph” here refers to a Roman triumph granted to the Roman general who had gone into an enemy country, taken spoil and captives, and brought them home to his own city. If any of the Roman citizens were captives in that land, he brought them home. When his victory was complete, the Senate granted him a triumph-all the people out in the great gala-day.

Jesus Christ, our Conqueror in our behalf, came into this land of the enemy. We were prisoners under the power of this illegal one. Our General fought our battles clear through and broke open the citadel. He brings forth the captives and leads them in triumph to His own glorious city.

Jesus died as a malefactor, abused, tossed about, mobbed, scoffed, spit upon, crowned with thorns, and He died under it in His appeal to the power of right against might. And that power of right has moved the world ever since, and it is to move the world in our day as it never has been moved before.

Jones, General Conference Bulletin, 1895, p. 437

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