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Feeding Our Obsession With Easy Christianity
by Thomas white and John M Yeats

(This little book of 238 pages challenges us as Christians to consider how far corporate America has invaded church operations and has contributed to our desire to model after the world systems and principles. The non-Adventist authors paint a challenging, but real picture of many evangelical churches and perhaps too many SDA congregations as well). RJG

Book Cover Notes

“Are we serving junk food for the soul?

We live in a fast food nation, where service is efficient, products are peer- tested and size is king. And this consumer- driven approach is seeping into the church.

Across the country, churches are creating entertaining, pop- culture- savvy services that feel more driven by the market than by ministry. On the menu? A proven blend of dynamic music, high -tech dazzle, and topical teachings. And just like any successful business, churches are launching campuses that build on their brand.

But is the franchised church of today leading to the disenfranchised believers of tomorrow? Though thousands flock to these services, how many lives are truly changing? Have we traded real truth for relevancy?”

You can survive!

by Jere Franklin

Book Cover Notes

“If there was a plan whereby you can avoid most disasters, wouldn't you want to know about it? If you would, then you need to read this book. It includes chapters on: the joys of country living, medical preparation for the end time, wilderness survival, log cabin building, a garden to kitchen cookbook, a financial plan and inspirational stories of faith. In the near future this information will be invaluable.

Liberty Magazine’s Lincoln Steed remarks on this book:

‘Any reader who applies himself diligently to this book will be rewarded and uplifted. A sincere and practical outline for survival and revival.’”


The Untold Story of Adventism’s Struggle with Fundamentalism

by Michael W Campbell

(Every seriously committed SDA who desires to understand the challenges that face our Church today must read this little book. In 120 pages the author unfolds events of that year that place our present relations with Evangelical churches in proper context). RJG

Book Cover Notes

“In 1919 the world was reeling from the destructive forces of World War 1, American Protestants were uniting against Modernism in 
defense of the inerrancy of the Bible, and Adventists were recovering from the 1915 death of Ellen White, their beloved prophet.

Needing to confirm the movement's identity in rapidly changing times, some 65 Adventist leaders, editors, and Bible teachers met from July 1 to August 9, 1919, in Columbia Hall on the campus of Washington Missionary College near Washington DC. Their discussions were candid and often heated, prompting A. G. Daniells to occasionally ask stenographers to stop their recording work. Minutes of the conference were buried in the archives and would eventually be rediscovered in 1974. Today the Seventh- day Adventist church continues to grapple with issues raised at that epochal event.”

No Fear for the future

Affirming Adventism's Divinely- Directed Origin with Ethical Principles for the Endtime People
by Ron du Preez

(This book should be a used as a manual for Adventists to understand not only the historical but the prophetic context of the movement. And along with an understanding of our divinely-appointed mission the author provides intriguing ethical guidelines for living morally upright lives in such a complex world of.) RJG

Book Cover Notes

“Many preachers on six continents proclaiming the second advent.

A meeting in Paris resulting in socialism that changed the world.
The writing of a manuscript on the evolutionary origin of humans.
A major centuries- old apocalyptic prophecy meets its fulfillment.
A novel concept that faithful believers are snatched up to heaven.
A teenager’s trance initiates a new surge of spiritualistic phenomena.
Multiple Bible translations arise causing considerable confusion.

Amazingly all of these major movements transpired in the mid- 19th century. At this very point in time, centering around the pivotal year of 1844, a small but bold band of Bible believers began to rediscover and reemphasize a few frequently forgotten teachings of Scripture.”

The Silencing of Satan

The gospel of the investigative judgment

by Bradley R Williams

(If there is any doubt about the biblical soundness and relevance of that seemingly irksome doctrine, which many seem to avoid-the investigative judgment- this book will clear them up. No longer can the topic be considered a theological face-saving doctrine by Adventism. The subject is firmly embedded in Scripture and the author systematically dispels any arguments to the contrary. This is a MUST STUDY, not just a must read, for every Adventist.) RJG

Book Cover Notes

“In this book Seventh- day Adventist pastor, Brad Williams, gives new compelling proof of the investigation of the saints, new perspectives on why there is an investigation, and a more encouraging understanding of what God is looking for. He demonstrates how the investigative process builds Christian peace and assurance. He answers the most important

gospel - based objections detractors have with the investigative judgment doctrine. He also shows that the hour of God's judgment anno unced in Revelation 14: 6,7 was repeatedly prefigured in the history of God’s dealings with mankind. This unquestionably affirms its end time fulfillment (1844-) in Adventism’s experience and doctrine. Follow the example of more than a thousand others and read Silencing of Satan. See how the investigative judgment is better news and more biblical than you ever thought before. See why the Silencing of Satan is silencing critics of the doctrine of the investigative judgment."

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