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-Walking the Pathway of Prayer by Violet O Cox, Ph.D.

Are you in a rut because you think God is not hearing your prayers? Do you struggle with the thought that maybe you don't know how to pray? Is your prayer life just about ready to expire? Don't give up! Just journey along the Pathway of Prayer. You will discover your prayer life will be forever transformed as you experience God in prayer! This book succinctly unpacks the nature of prayer and how it impacts every sphere of life.

Violet Cox earned a Master of Science in Speech Pathology from

She currently lectures in Neurogenic Communication Disorders at Cleveland State University. She is a passionate instructor as her students would say, but overall, her greatest passion is in praying and leading small groups in Bible study.

-Praying With Power by Kenneth D. Mulzac Ph.D.

Former Assistant Professor of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis at Oakwood University in Huntsville, AL.


-Prayer: by M.L. Andreasen


Category: Prophecy

-The Use and Abuse of Prophecy by Edwin de Kock

Among other things, this book surveys prophetic interpretation from the time of Jesus to the present, which clarifies why we believe in Protestant Historicism rather than Preterism or Futurism, both of which are derived from Catholic, Jesuit eschatology. This book also shows why the Bible must be true and debunks some false ideas about typology, such as the idea that the Dutch, the British, or the Americans are a latter-day Israel.

-Christ and Antichrist in Prophecy and History

By Edwin de Kock

This easy to read book is in harmony with the Historical School of Prophetic Interpretation, but also offers many new and sometimes startling insights.

“Exciting!” “Couldn’t put it down!” “We love this book and are devouring it!” “I could hardly stop reading it!” “Fresh, easy-to-read style. Compelling stuff!” These are a few of the readers’ reactions to Christ and Antichrist in Prophecy and History when it first appeared in 2001 and to the newly updated and amplified edition. Since its first release in 2001, accolades for the book have flooded in.

Reviewers, conference presidents, and outstanding scholars like Dr. William H. Shea, Dr. Jack Blanco, and Dr. Hector Ramal have all praised Christ and Antichrist in Prophecy and History. More than just a delightful read, Christ and Antichrist is thoroughly researched, with more than 1,000 references, garnering widespread academic respect. It has been assigned three times for Master of Divinity students at the Seventh-day Adventist

Seminary in Berrien Springs, Michigan. Edwin de Kock's forte is Biblical prophecy in the light of history, world literature, and contemporary international affairs. De Kock, though presenting weighty subject matter, has a pleasant and very readable style. But what is new about Christ and Antichrist?

This fascinating book covers an immense span of history from more than two hundred years before King

Nebuchadnezzar to the Second Coming. Its historical and literary insights about the Near East and the ancient Mediterranean world are penetrating. For instance, did you know that the poet Hesiod (c. 800 B.C.) wrote about the same four metals that appear in the Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, in the same order? Or that he, too, equated the metals with stages of human society and said of the last that it was an “age of Iron … very vile and will grow steadily worse”? “It seems that when He communicated with the neoBabylonian king, the Lord used imagery which was already familiar in the ancient Mediterranean world,” says de Kock. Chapter 10 will be of special interest to readers who are fascinated by prophecy. This chapter is devoted to the biography of Christ, the Messiah, as described centuries in advance by Old Testament writers. These prophetic predictions matched the events of Christ’s life so accurately that the mathematical odds against them would fill the world with zeros! But what about the prophecies that were never fulfilled? Or perhaps you’ve wondered why Christians have so often killed Christians. You’ll find the answers to these and other questions in Christ and Antichrist in Prophecy and History.

About the Author

Edwin de Kock, international lecturer, writer, famous Esperanto poet, and editor, has published in three of the thirteen languages he is acquainted with. His fascination with prophecy and history began in his native South Africa more than fifty years ago and culminated in eleven years of intensive research and reading for this book - as it reflected in more than 1,000 references to hundreds of sources. He has qualifications in theology, literature, education, and speech. In Israel, on Crete, and in Europe, he visited great museums, cathedrals, art galleries, and important sites connected with the contents of this book. He was a professional educator for more than thirty-five years, in South Africa, South Korea, and the United States, especially as a college teacher. He finished this career as a writing professor at the University of Texas, Pan American, from 1996 to 2000.


Thank you for sending me a copy of your very excellent book, Christ and Antichrist in Prophecy and History. I read it with great interest and think that you have done a tremendous job with the subject. For those who wish to go below the surface of simple Bible studies on prophecy this is a great book. Your grasp of both details and the big picture of correlating history with prophecy is impressive and goes far beyond our standard handbook.

I was very impressed with the way you brought so much Old Testament prophecy on the Messiah into such a compact and concise package as chapter 10. Your emphasis upon Hellenism, Greek language and Greek culture in chapter 8 goes beyond, far beyond what I have seen done in the context of prophecy. We often emphasize the impact of Hellenism upon the Near East but often do not look the other way, to Rome in the West. In Part 4 you have certainly hit the nail on the head by identifying the papacy in prophecy so clearly. Your discussion of the 7 + 3 = 1 0 horns goes far beyond our previous treatment, is excellent and brings out many previously unrecognized details. I liked your development in the stages of

the catechism's dealing with the fourth commandment of the Decalogue. It has gotten worse from Geiermann to McGuire. I am glad that you found my material on the year-day principle useful in chapter 23.

This is indeed a dividing watershed between Historicists on one hand and Preterists and Futurists on the other hand. Congratulations on the production of such an excellent book!

William H. Shea, M.D., Ph.D.,

Retired Professor of Old Testament, Andrews University, Berrien Springs. Former Associate Director, Biblical Research Institute.

I have read your book and also its well-done review by Shea in the Ministry magazine. What a monumental task! Having received an M.Th. from Princeton in Church History and having taught it, I was fascinated by your balanced approach. The research that has gone into this book is priceless. I personally gained some very important insights from it. It is an excellent resource to have on hand and also needs to go into the libraries.

Jack J. Blanco,

Th.D, retired Dean of Religion, Southern Adventist University.

Thank you so much for sharing your outstanding book, Christ and Antichrist in Prophecy and History. Frankly, laity give me books that they have written, and I usually am not impressed with them. Yours is a dramatic exception. It is well researched, well written and very readable. I congratulate you on using your God-given talents in such a fine way. Please know that I gladly recommend your book to anyone who wants to better understand prophecy. Your clear explanations provide outstanding guidance to the Bible student.

Stephen Gifford

President, Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I can now tell you how much I have enjoyed and profited by my completed reading of your Christ and Antichrist in Prophecy and History. So far as I can determine, this is the most comprehensive and thorough treatment of a very big topic to come along in very many years. Your obvious ease with and expertise in prophecy, history, and literature lend an authoritative ring to this book, which deserves to be known and read with care far and wide. Your research and organization impress me as much as authors like Uriah Smith and Le Roy Edwin Froom. Your appendix on literature and the Bible is absolutely priceless! I just hope this book blesses many, many lives.

Jerry A. Stevens


Thank you for your Christ and Antichrist in Prophecy and History, which I have greatly enjoyed. It will, I am sure, be very valuable for our church as well as many other churches wanting to know about this theme, which is of such vital importance for the final decision. I especially want to congratulate you on the pleasant language you have used, considering it very important for the reader to enjoy this kind of eschatological reading. Also impressive is the immense quantity of references that clarify the theme and give authority to your writing. Without doubt, I recommend the translation of this work into Spanish, so that others can benefit by it. I sincerely congratulate you on producing such a valuable book and look forward to the volumes that are to follow in the near future.

Dr. Hector E. Ramal

Director, Adventist Theological Faculty, University of

Montemorelos, Mexico

It is a good, enriching book, Edwin, and I know that God will bless both of you for this monumental task. I very much enjoyed the extensive merging of history and prophecy. I appreciated the fresh insights on the early Germanic Christians, the early Christians in North Africa, etc.

-The Last Empire: The New World Order and the Counterfeiting of God’s Kingdom

By Vanderlei Dorneles: Doctor in Science, is a theologian and journalist. He has been teacher of theology and communication and is Associate Editor-in-chief at Brazilian Publishing House.

Recognition of the United States as a contemporary empire has been common in the press and researches in economics, politics, and culture. However, long before this country became an empire, interpreters in the 19th century had already linked its emerging power to apocalyptic prophecies.

This book reviews that interpretation by considering American history since its religious and mythological foundation.

The author starts with the assumption that American culture is composed of a set of symbols, historical documents, official speeches, movies, and sermons that attach to the United States a messianic role in constructing a new world.

“THE LAST EMPIRE is an insightful and forceful presentation of Revelation 13 and America’s role in prophecy. Dr. Dorneles treats many aspects of American Imperialism from a fresh perspective, aided by his outside of North America vantage point. This is a must read for those with an interest in end-time events.”

George R. Knight, Professor Emeritus of Church History,

Andrews University

-The Financial Crisis in Bible Prophecy By T.H. Aka

Does the Bible predict a financial crisis at the end of time before the second advent of Christ?

Amos 3:7 states, "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." In Bible prophecy God has revealed what is about to take place in the global economy before his return.

The financial crisis that began in 2008 continues today though masked by an ever-growing mountain of debt in Japan, Europe, China, and the United States. Uncertainty prevails in the financial markets and the economy. Many struggle to survive as jobs disappear and money fails. Find out God's purpose in allowing the financial crisis to hit the world and touch even His people and His church. Follow the author's personal experience of spiritual awakening and renewal as he links the story of the Financial Crisis to Bible truths. Most importantly, gain strength and encouragement to face the challenges that are sure to come as these events continue to their ultimate fruition.

Category: The Sanctuary

Practical Lessons for the Church Today

By F.C. Gilbert

Frederick Carnes Cohen was born in London, England, on September 30, 1867, to

Falk and Miriam Cohen, both of Jewish ethnicity and strict adherents to Orthodox Judaism. Before Frederick’s birth, the Cohens had fled Poland and Germany due to anti-Semitic persecution, and had at last settled in England during the time of Benjamin Disraeli’s first tenure as Prime Minister.

Frederick was raised as a strict Orthodox Jew, at one time entertaining the idea of becoming a rabbi. In 1886, shortly after his father died, Frederick immigrated to New York City – which he called “this great Jewish metropolis of the world.” It was there that he is believed to have changed his surname to Gilbert.

After a spell in New York, Gilbert relocated to Boston at the behest of a labor organization, and there happened to board with a Seventh-day Adventist family called the Fiskes. Previously expressing an animosity for Christianity, Gilbert was moved by the warmth he experienced from the Fiskes. Gilbert was baptized a Seventh-day Adventist in 1889, one of only a handful of Jewish converts to the denomination since its inception in 1863.

-The Sanctuary Service

By M.L. Andreasen

When we understand that the services of the tabernacle on earth are symbolic of the higher service above and that the entire ritual and all the sacrifices on the earthly altars pointed to the true Lamb of God, the sanctuary becomes of great importance. In it the gospel is foreshadowed and some of the deep things of God revealed.

By careful exposition of the Scriptures the author probes the meaning of Jesus Christ as our substitutionary sacrifice and our high priest in the heavenly courts. Andreasen's breadth of thought is stimulating, his concepts spiritually uplifting. This is a work that deserves to be an ongoing resource for Adventist study and meditation.

—William G. Johnsson

Category: Church History

-Lessons for the Reformation

By A.T. Jones

This book compares the history of the two greatest Republics, Rome and the United States and the relevance of their actions to Sabbatarians.

Jones traces the history of Sunday worship and the steady corruption of the Roman Catholic system and how it still seeks power to further its interests.

America's first Sunday law, passed in 1892 and signed by President Harrison, is described in detail--a "must read" for those who think it could never happen.

The Peril of the Republic of the United

States of America

By Percy T. Magan

Never was a republic founded on better principles, immortal principles—freedom of conscience and religious liberty. These were solidly sewn into the fabric of the U. S. Constitution. But, however great the Constitution and its principles may be, they can only stand if the people willingly choose to uphold them. A government by the people can never rise higher than the people themselves. P. T. Magan was a man ahead of his time. He was a reformer who feared nothing but displeasing God. Being friends with A. T. Jones, he was naturally inclined to thoroughly study this extremely relevant issue. In this book, Magan vividly shows how the principles that made America the defender of liberty were already being violated in his days. Now, shall we remain silent? Can we afford to lose religious liberty and freedom of conscience?


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