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“Every social evil that we find in society can be traced back to a lack of Godly fear. Americans, especially, are more apt to accept, rather than fear. Abortion has killed millions before the Roe v Wade decision in 1973. Yet the killing of the unborn is labeled ‘choice’ rather than murder. The baby in the womb is called ‘POC’ in medical terminology- ‘Product Of Conception.’

A veil of euphemisms has fallen over everything that, at one time would shock us. Thus the diminishment of European ancestry is ‘diversity.’ Support for the homosexual agenda is called being ‘open and affirming.’ Not rebuking unacceptable social behavior is being ‘sensitive’ and on it goes.

Once we understand that the pagan mindset of the self, for the self, and only for the self, the veil quickly falls. All the obfuscation in the world cannot hide the agenda behind the gentle words we use to make sociopathic behavior acceptable. Any attempt to repel the current mainstream is considered ‘backward’ or ‘insensitive.’”
(Joseph Bianchi, Common Faith Common Culture, P 106)

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