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“Our human traditions and culture divorced the generations of believers in the church leading to ossified older congregants who have forgotten the dynamics of a passionate faith while younger congregants repeat the errors of the past without drawing on the wisdom of the mature. Breaking the biblical pattern for discipleship allows a human tradition to be created that destroys the biblical plan. Recapturing the pattern of older men discipling the younger and older woman doing the same is not only countercultural to the broader world but against the culture we have inculcated in many of our congregations.

When churches place human tradition of dividing the generations above God's own stated plan of multigenerational, integrated congregations, we delude ourselves into thinking our plans will bring about God's will. We are, in essence, thumbing our noses at the Creator and stating that His design is inadequate for the world today.”
(White & Yates, Franchising McChurch, p. 50-51)

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