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“There are two contrasting elements in religion that teach us how we should approach God and how we should view Him. These two elements are transcendence and immanence. The transcendence of God says that He is great and mighty and glorious and that He runs the universe from His throne. The immanence of God tells us that He's our friend who was come down to dwell beside us. How can both of these views be true? How can the great majestic God of the universe also stoop low to become our personal friend? That is the great tension of religion, a tension that was ultimately resolved in the Incarnation. Jesus came to live alongside of us with His divinity shielded from us by His humanity. Thus the great God of the universe becomes our personal friend in Jesus Christ, and in that capacity He has a tender loving concern for us. That is part of what the vision of God/Jesus in Ezekiel 1, Daniel 10, and Revelation 1 tells us.”
(William Shea, Daniel, p.235)

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