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“This life, this probationary life, was and is for the purpose of giving man the ability to once again choose whom he will serve.

Sin had bound mankind to death, and there was no more choice, for, ‘they had fallen under the power and control of the prince of darkness’, (Con 17). But through Jesus, God was able ‘to leave man a free moral agent to a certain length of probation.’ Testimonies to Southern Africa, 48.

By proposing to take that guilt upon Himself, this act of God averted from man the immediate execution of the death sentence, and ‘secured for man a period of probation.’ TDG 137. This is grace given to all men, or we could say, unmerited and undeserved grace shown towards every person that will ever be born.

God did not wait for Adam and Eve to come to repentance before he did something. Man, of himself, cannot even repent. Repentance is a gift from God. Therefore, God came seeking lost humanity, to give man the ability to make another choice. From a heart longing to bring His stolen children back, ‘probation was granted to all, that all may form characters for eternal life. An opportunity will be given to all to decide for life or death.’ 2T 691

This wonderful probationary life is part of God's gift of loving grace given to all men. ‘Grace is an attribute character (character trait) of God exercised towards undeserving human beings. We did not seek for it, but it was sent in search of us.’” MH 161. (Debbi Puffer, Earth’s Final Generation, 2011, p.51)

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