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“Among the major issues that most people would agree we need to address as a society is the decline of the American family. However, there is a startling bit of information with which Americans need to become familiar regarding a further threat to the basic family unit. Influential groups from outside our nation's borders are vigorously and openly at work, making plans to exercise control over our children.

Intellectual global elites want to shape the worldview of the future to correspond with their own perspective; the traditional family is, by necessity, viewed as an obstacle. Activities such as home schooling and parental discretion over instilling values endanger the desired authority of educational programmers. This was reflected in the thoughts of one- world advocate John Goodlad of the University of Washington and Head of the Institute for Educational Renewal. According to Goodlad, ‘parents and the general public must be reached… Otherwise children and youth enrolled in globally- oriented programs may find themselves in conflict with values assumed in the home.” [Ron Sunseri, Outcome Based Education, 1994] (James Hirsen, The Coming Collision, 1999, p.10)

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