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“Love is the sign and evidence of Christian life. Zeal for mere doctrines may degenerate into hatred for those who differ in belief. A church may be sound in doctrines and patient under bitter persecution and yet be guilty of relaxing the love once manifest. ‘The great fault lies not in the outward but inner life, visible only to Him ‘Who seeth in secret.’ The task, the work, the organization, the bands of workers, the crowd of worshippers-all as great and splendid as ever, but that which made the whole to be living and true had gone. And only Christ sees it. Is it in any measure so with ourselves? It is so easy to offer our Lord the head, and the hands, the feet, while the heart is far from Him. It is easy to drift into being an earnest and devoted Church worshipper, and worker, devoted in our service, busy in various departments of Church work, teaching, visiting, speaking, praying, and yet to have left the first love.’- A Devotional Commentary, The Revelation of St. John, the Divine.’” (Taylor Bunch, The Seven Epistles of Christ, 1947, p.123-124)

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