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“….[N]otice how Christ- centered this sanctuary doctrine is: It focuses on what Jesus Christ is doing right now (not only on what happened at the cross about 2000 years ago); it takes into account the breath of the plan of salvation-He is not only the Sacrificial Victim, but also the High Priest, the Mediator, the Judge, the Advocate, and the coming King! Salvation history is still in progress, how exciting! God is still active with in world history, leading to the establishment of his Kingdom.

And practically, in your life, and in mine, this biblical sanctuary teaching indicates that human decisions have a cosmic impact. What we are, what we think, and what we do, is preserved in the heavenly records. And this ought not to be a cause for stress, worry, or fear; rather it should be cause for joy! Every prayer, every kind deed, every encouraging word, or expression of love is preserved as a witness to the manifold wisdom of God, Who is able to transform sinful human beings into new and holy creatures.” (Ron du Preez, No Fear for the Future, 2006, p.15)

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