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“[T]he book of Revelation hints at a more inclusive identification for the harlot woman than merely with Rome. Babylon, derived from ‘Babel’ and meaning confusion, ‘is employed in Scripture to designate the various forms of false or apostate religion.’ (GC. 380). Rev. 17 is not complete in itself; it prepares the reader for chapter 18, with its graphic images of the judgments that afflict and finally destroy the whore. The representation of Babylon largely has a end-time focus. It is significant that through its wording Rev. 18:3 is closely linked with Rev.14:8.

Babylon includes degenerate forms of Protestantism, churches that have forsaken the principles established by the Reformation and seek to reunite or closely cooperate with Rome. She is, after all, not only the great whore, but also ‘the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth’ (vs.5). Before the Second Coming, they-together with pagans, spiritualists, an all the opponents of the Lamb-will confederate and help the dragon in his war against the last generation who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” (Edwin de Kock, 7 Heads and 10 Horns, 2012, p.40-41)

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