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“When God created man, He established certain immutable laws, commonly called the laws of nature, by which man was to regulate his conduct in all things. These laws were to serve him as guides in the pursuit of happiness. That man might be enabled to discover and apply the laws of nature, he was endowed by the Creator with the faculty of reason. Among the laws or principles of reason here referred to, are these following: -that we should live honorably; that we should hurt nobody; that we should render to all their dues; that we should seek the good of our fellows; and, to this end, that we should institute societies, establish governments and ordain laws. And all these, society, government, law, are, at the same time, truly divine and truly human institutions. They are divine, inasmuch as they are essential agencies in carrying out the divine purpose in the creation of man. They are human, inasmuch as they are instituted and administered by men, without any special and immediate interposition of the Deity.” (E.C. Wines, Commentary on the Laws of the Hebrews, 1853, p.32-33)

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