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[F]or a church to get involved in politics runs the risk of implying that there is a proper ‘Christian’ position on every political issue. On some issues there is a clear a non-negotiable Christian position. For example, the matter of abortion allows little room for debate: the Bible clearly teaches that life begins at conception; human life is a gift from God and must be protected. But on many other issues there is not a clear unequivocal Christian position. Good Christians disagree on such issues as the environment, nuclear weapons, gun control, capital punishment, and support of the State of Israel. Whenever the church or a group of Christians- such as the Christian Coalition- engages in the political system, it eventually takes a stand on a variety of issues. The danger is that this implies to others -Christians and non -Christians alike- that there is a correct ‘Christian’ position on every political issue. The net result is that the understanding as to what it means to be an authentic Christian becomes contaminated.” (Cal Thomas & Ed Dobson, Blinded by the Might, 1999, p.181)

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