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“It is possible for men to possess wealth and be philanthropic, unselfish and truly pious. To make money honestly is no sin. It is God who gives men power to get wealth. To possess riches is no offence, if they are honorably and honestly acquired. the Bible condemns no man for being rich, if he has got his riches honestly and uses them properly. It is the love of money that is the root of all evil. Money itself is not an evil. It is neither good nor bad. It is simply an agency or power through which good or ill may come. By it blessings may be distributed, or evils entailed. Wealth may prove a great blessing to its possessor, if he realizes that it is not his own, but that it has been given him of God to be used in blessing mankind. But if hoarded and unused, or possessed and misused, it can be only a blight and a curse.” (Edgar Torrey Russell, The Conflict between Capital and labor, 1905, p.19)

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