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“Many times we tell our children they cannot do this or that, they cannot associate with the world or get involved with them. Over and over again they ask, “But why can't we”? The church says the same thing to adults, and they ask, “But why can't we”? All sorts of logical reasons are offered as to why it is okay to associate with the world, but little do we realize that it involves giving our affections to another lover. When we associate with the world, we are saying that we do not like the Husband of the church. We love something else more than Him. Of course, if you have never fallen in love with Him, affection for the world is almost meaningless. It is not until we have tasted the love of Christ for us as individuals and begin to love Him in response to His first loving us, that we begin to see the difference between Him and other lovers. Often our hearts have not been removed from the world in what we call conversion. We are still in love with everything else but Him. Too often we only love right doctrines, or we only love the church, but we do not love Him even though the church is His body. We do not make that very fine distinction; and we do not really come to love Him.” (J.W, Lehman, Christ our Righteousness, p.237)

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