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“There is a biblical base for Adventist youth ministry. The Adventist philosophy of youth ministry encompasses the salvation of our youth and acceptance by the Church of its responsibility to them. It is one thing to realize that we have youth in the church. It is another thing to accept the responsibility for those youth and give them a message of hope that will bring peace to their souls. The church has a responsibility to appeal to its youth in the light of the urgency of God’s coming. Our young people need to be challenged today with a message that is relevant to them, a message that fills their needs. They need to see this message modeled by the church and its members. They need to be led by precept and example to adopt a lifestyle that will allow them to enjoy the presence of God on this earth, so that this enjoyment and relationship may be continued in the courts of heaven. That's the message and the mission of this church to its youth” (Malcolm J. Allen, Divine Guidance or Worldly Pressure?, p.10)

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