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“A think can hardly collapse until it exists, and who would undertake to prove that the ruling classes of Europe were dominated by Christianity before the crisis came? When was it ever heard that Europe was under the rule of men who were under the rule of Christ? How many rulers, warriors, statesman, diplomats, legislators of any country have ever been known to conduct their official business in accordance with the teachings of Jesus? … When it comes to starting a war in Europe the masses don't count: it is only in the fighting that they count… It only proves that they have not developed to that point in Christian manhood where men renounce the divine right of kings for the divine right of the children of God to govern themselves under the supreme rule of God… Who does not know that for two generations there has been a steady drift away from the simple faith in every part of Europe, and that many sections of the continent which once blossomed as the rose with the purest types of Christian faith and life, are today desolate, wreck-strewn wastes in the land of the spirit.” (Edward Pell, Our Troublesome Religious Questions, 1916, p.30-31)

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