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"We Christians have not only neglected our privileges as sovereigns and left the government of the world to anybody who might claim the divine right to rule it, but we have allowed the world to come into and govern the church. In our haste to make Christianity popular with the world we have not only kept our hands out of its affairs but we have allowed it to put its hands into our affairs. We have made the most fatal of all blunders -the blunder of compromise. And we have made it over and over again. For more than 1600 years compromise has been our besetting sin. We began by compromising with the pagans. We compromised with pagan worship until our worship became more pagan than Christian. We compromised with pagan philosophy until our philosophy became more pagan than Christian. And from the day that we began this unholy flirtation until now, whenever the spiritual power of the church has cooled it has immediately begun to look around for a new compromise. And unlike the burnt child who dreads the fire we have never profited by our terrible experience. The church has suffered more from compromises than from all other evils put together, yet we seem to have made more compromises in the last generation than in any like period since the day of our first great surrender to paganism. We have compromised with wealth, we have compromised with society, and we have compromised with a materialistic science…And today, we have the humiliating spectacle of ministers standing up in Christian pulpits and declaring that where the words of Jesus do not conform to science we must accept science and not Jesus." (Edward Pell, Our Troublesome Religious Questions, 1916, p.35,36)

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