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Pastor, attorney and former Lt. Governor nominee in Virginia, E.W. Jackson, joined My Faith Votes, to challenge Christians to stand and participate in the public square.

Discussing some of the cultural lies intended to convince Christians to remain inactive in the voting booth, Jackson encourages us to think biblically about the issues and understand our valuable history.

JY: You have said that the Left is focused on social injustice in America. What is it that they want Americans to believe?

EWJ: In my view, social injustice is a euphemism for socialism because justice doesn't need a qualifier. Things are either just, or they're not. For example, right now, there's a debate around the country about being able to transgress parents' wishes and teach kindergarten children things that the parents disagree with in the name of social justice. And if you oppose this, you are labeled hateful and bigoted.

The sacred relationship between parents and children is being trampled. Acknowledging that relationship is proper justice. Social justice is a Trojan horse used to bring ideas entirely antithetical to justice.

True justice requires righteousness. If God justifies you, He makes you righteous. Without the righteousness of God, people create arbitrary concepts and ideas about justice.

For example, it is supremely unjust to tell a child they are either an oppressor or oppressed based on their skin color. Putting them into these categories makes them perpetrators or victims. That's not just at all. It's the opposite.

JY: I've heard people say that America has fallen for two main reasons: As Christians, we're not sharing our faith. And as Americans, we're not standing for the uniqueness of our nation.

EWJ: Our founding fathers wisely did not want us to have an official religion. And I believe that America should not try to designate one somehow. On the other hand, American culture is Christian. Most of our founding fathers were Christians, no matter how much people try to deny it.

Still, about 70% of Americans identify as Christians. America is a Christian nation, and the more we run away from our founding Judeo-Christian principles, the more we miss our national destiny that God has in mind, a destiny that can only be fulfilled by obedience to Him.

George Washington's first Thanksgiving proclamation said, "It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor."

Obey God. Do His will. That's who we are. That's our legacy, and those who try to deny that try to deny us our true identity.

JY: Too many are misinterpreting the idea of the separation of church and state, believing we can't bring our faith into the public square.

EWJ: The separation of church and state was intended to protect the church and Christians from the state, not stop Christians from getting involved in politics and public policy.

That's why I love your organization, My Faith Votes. You've got to vote, or you're not even in the arena. It is possible to win, but you've got to stay in the fight. I am encouraged by Americans all over the country waking up, and I think Virginia was a forerunner.

JY: Elections have consequences. The gubernatorial elections in Virginia and California in 2021 reminded the country why elections matter.

EWJ: I'm close friends with the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia. He said parents would have a say in what their children are taught. Then he implemented policies that allow parents to influence what their children are taught. He's restoring the principle of individual liberty by allowing Americans to assess and make decisions for themselves.

His election demonstrated what happens when people stand up for their beliefs and go to the polls. And I hope the same happens in 2022.

JY: In 2022, we have nearly 100,000 elections, including 81,000 school board elections. What would you say to the person questioning whether or not they should vote?

EWJ: I would say 2022 is the year of breakthrough. But you've got to do it.

If you want to see this country reverse its slide into radical progressivism, you've got to take action. I believe God is with us because we're standing on biblical principles. But if we don't do anything, if we sit back and take it for granted, then we will end up perhaps in worse condition than we were before.

To every American who believes in our way of life, our constitution, Judeo-Christian values and personal responsibility, you have to get out there and vote for people who represent your values at every level, from the school board to the White House.

So, if Americans stand up for who we are and what we believe in without hatred, just doing what we know is right, we will win.

Jason Yates is CEO of My Faith Votes, a nonpartisan movement that motivates, equips and activates Christians in America to vote in every election, transforming our communities and influencing our nation with biblical truth.


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