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By F. LaGard Smith, Voices Contributor

Never before has any generation had the slightest difficulty distinguishing between a “man” and a “woman.” Yet, folks are now talking glibly about “persons who menstruate,” rather than “women.” And “chestfeeding” instead of “breastfeeding.” And insisting, “People of all genders can get pregnant, not just women!” Ask a Supreme Court nominee to define “woman,” and she can’t (or won’t), though she is happy to be known as the first black “woman” to be appointed.

Giving new meaning to the familiar lament, “The world’s gone mad!”, our psychotic, brave-new-world generation has literally lost touch with reality, being unable to distinguish what’s objectively real from a subjective figment of “progressive” imagination.

The late, former head of the United Negro College Fund, Arthur Fletcher coined the phrase, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Without doubt, it is. What a waste not to educate it to its full potential. Yet, worse than wasting a mind is losing a mind. The irony of today’s psychosis is that the most highly-educated folks are the ones most likely to have lost their minds. These are the same academics and pseudo-intellectuals who smugly note “preferred pronouns” (even the plural “them”) and designate toilets for “All Genders,” as if there were more than two. Educated fools!

Lately, there is much talk about a crisis in mental health — from the mental struggles leading to suicide (like country music’s Naomi Judd), to the increasing number of deranged perpetrators of tragic gun violence. As concerning as those conditions are, a more critical mental health crisis threatens our collective sanity: being delusional about the origin and nature of our existence.

Our cultural psychosis is but a symptom of a deeper disorder — thinking we humans are merely highly-evolved animals, produced by a process of mindless evolution. If you believe that an orderly, elegant, and hospitable planet — and humankind itself — happened by chance, you are already out of touch with reality. Believe the biggest delusion of all and lesser delusions follow.

Those who reject the foundational truth that “male and female created He them” are well on their way to the asylum. For us human inhabitants of the earth, there is one sun, one moon, and two sexes. Anyone thinking there is more than one moon is properly (and linguistically) deemed a lunatic. If someone insists there are many more than just two sexes, are they any less a lunatic?

What engenders such madness? When a culture exalts Nature itself rather than worshiping Nature’s Creator, it must fill the morals vacuum with secular social causes, which then must be defended even to the point of absurdity. Having made gender diversity a sacred cause, all else must be sacrificed to it, even if it means ludicrously denying obvious distinctions between “man” and “woman.” (Easily missed, even “transgendered” is from one to the other!)

The debate over Evolution and Creation isn’t inconsequential. As G. K. Chesterton observed, the same people who decry the evil of treating human beings as beasts (think whatever social oppression you wish) will boldly assert that human beings, themselves, are practically beasts.

So, have we evolved, or devolved? Prideful “progressives” now detached from objective reality have become stupefyingly psychotic. Even a lowly bull knows a heifer when he sees one!

F. LaGard Smith is a retired law school professor (principally at Pepperdine University), and is the author of some 35 books, touching on law, faith, and social issues. He is the compiler and narrator of The Daily Bible (the NIV and NLT arranged in chronological order).


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