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Northwest Florida Daily News
Letter to the editor
May 26, 2022·1 min read

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a Christian is a person who professes the teachings of Christianity and adheres to its tenets. However, these days another term is coming to the fore. That term is Christianist. A Christianist is one who pretends to profess the teachings of Christianity and adhere to its tenets for purposes of financial, political or material gain.

Christians believe that Christ would have them turn the other cheek when confronted with violence. Christianists believe that Christ would have them pull out their Uzis or assault rifles and shoot whoever got in their way before they could even think about offering violence. Can’t be too careful, you know.

Christians believe that Christ would tell them to have charity for all and to have compassion for the poor and help them whenever possible. A Christianist believes that Christ would say that charity begins at home and that contempt for those less fortunate is fine, because obviously God doesn’t think much of them, or else they wouldn’t be poor. Christians believe in the love of Christ for all people. Christianists believe in hate, contempt and derision for all those not like them.

Right now we have a lot of politicians declaring how pious and Christian they are in every temple and street corner, having never read Matthew 6:5-9. Many, if not most, of these are actually Christianists. Know the difference. Your souls could depend on it shortly.


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